(valid for both the A and B level tournaments)
I FIFA Laws of the Game
The youth football tournament Flora Nike Cup 2019 shall follow the international laws of the game provided by FIFA.
II Use of older players in the tournament
- In the age groups U13 – U10 (2007 – 2010) it is allowerd to use in one team up to two older players, who were born no later than 1 August the prior year.
- Use of older players is not allowed in age groups U9 and U8 (2011 ja 2012). As an exeption in B level tournaments the use of older girls is allowed in age groups U8 and U9 – year of birth 2010 and 2011.
III Players participating in several teams
During the youth football tournament FNC 2019 it is not allowed for the players to play in more than one age group. It is a recommendation by the tournament organiser to think about the strength of the tournament when assembling a team.
IV Stadiums
The FNC 2019 matches will be held on Estonian Football Assiciation indoor hall, located at Asula 4c and Kotka indoor hall at Linnu tee.
V Tournament system
FSC 2019 is divided into two phases: subgroup tournaments and playoffs.
In the subgroup tournaments, the teams are divided into subgroups of 3-6 teams, where all teams will play against each other once. In the matches held during the subgroup tournament, a victory gives each team 3 points, a draw game 1 point and loss 0 points.
If some teams get equal scores in subgroups, the final ranking will be decided according to:
- 1 – match between each other
- 2 – overall goal difference
- 3 – goals scored
- 4 – abandoned matches, cancellation of results
- 5 – red cards
- 6 – penalties (until the first mistake)
All the places will be determined by the playoff system. At least 5 games are guaranteed for the teams taking part.
The format and schedule for every age group tournament will be announced as soon as possible, but not later than 3 days before the tournament starts.
Tournament oranisers reserve the right to make changes in match times during the tournament!
VI Penalties
During the playoff and final match, if the match ends with a draw after the end of match time, the teams have to start shooting penalties immediately. There will be no extra time during the tournament matches. Penalties will be taken until one team makes a mistake.
VII Protest
A protest is directed against the validity of the result of the match. A protest has to be based on that whether the player has right to participate or not, on serious violation of the rules by the referee or on some other incident that affected the result of the match.
The protest must be submitted in writing by a team representative (a person who has been designated on the registration form as team leader) no later than 30 minutes after the end of the protested match.
A general protest against the whole opposing team is not acceptable.
Protest against the yellow or red card or against the removal of player from the field after the referee has showed two cards, is only allowed if referee made a mistake against the corresponding player.
Protest processing fee is 75 EUR. This amount will be refunded if the protest is successful.
The possible disagreements and protests will be solved by a three-member jury. The jury includes the head referee and two head organizers of the tournament.
Jury’s final decision cannot be appealed!
IX Referees
All the referees are accepted by the Estonian Football Association or the head referee of the tournament.
X Start of the match and its accompanying rules
Teams have to be on the match field latest at the time stated in the tournament schedule. If 5 minutes after the official start of the match there are not at least:
- 6 players in age groups U13 and U12 (2007, 2008)
- 5 players in age groups U11 and U10 (2009, 2010)
- 4 players in age groups U9 and U8 (2011, 2012)
the team not following the rule will receive a technical loss.
If the uniforms of both teams are in the same colour, the team who has been listed as the second team has to change shirts or wear vests. Vests are guaranteed by the tournament organiser.
XI Awards
The teams having won the first, second and third place will be awarded throphies and medals. For age groups U8 and U9 all participants will receive a participants medal.
XII Medicine / Medical aid
The organisers of the football tournament will not take any responsibility for injuries, which happen during the football tournament. Teams have an obligation to ensure that all trauma situations will be resolved.
If possible, the football tournament organisers will assist with their medical skills.
XIII Warnings and removals
A player removed from the field will be disqualified for the next match held in the tournament.
The referee, who serves the match, has the right to demand harsher punishment for the disqualified player. The referee must submit a written application to the tournament head referee, who makes the final decision. The decision of the head referee is final and cannot be appealed. The decision will be notified to the team representative specified on the registration form.
XIV Recognition of fair play
For the recognition of fair play it is recommended that players shake hands with the opposing players and referee right after the line-up (before the match starts) and after the final whistle.
XV Balls used in matches
All the balls used during the tournament have a marking “FIFA APPROVED” or “FIFA INSPECTED”.
XVI Registration of the team
The representative of each team is required to sign a statement, confirming the arrival to the tournament, acceptance of the Flora Nike Cup 2019 rules and the team’s awareness of possible changes.
If a registered team opts to not take part in the tournament, the organisers reserve the right to stipulate a fine:
- in sum, that is equal to 50% of the tournaments participation fee, in case the organisers were notified at least 14 days before the start of the tournament
- in sum, that is equal to the tournaments participation fee, in case the organisers were notified less than 7 days before the start of the tournament
XVII Registration of players
When arriving to the tournament, all the teams have to submit the completed registration form to the tournament organisers before their first competitive match. If possible, the signed registration form can be e-mailed to toomas@fcflora.ee. The players not listed on the registration form cannot participate. Teams are not allowed to add more players to the registration form during the tournament.
The tournament organiser reserves the right to demand an ID from a registered player and not allow a team to participate, if they have not followed aformentioned rules.
XVIII State of an emergency, tournament management
The jury of the tournament has right to make changes in match times and locations, if it is necessary and an inevitable event requires it!
Tournament organisers are not responsible for the event of theft during the tournament!